They Call Me Quitter

Posted on June 9, 2009


I think it's finally safe to say that I'm a quitter – after more than a year ciggie-free.  These days, I'm happy to report that (just as predicted) lung function is greatly improved and my risk of dying from inhaling cancer-causing gunk has gone way down.  But that's not really the point here.  To be honest, I barely think of smoking anymore except when I smell it, or see someone smoking or go for a run (guess I do think about it). 

However, this week my new non-smoker status comes to my attention for a very special reason – I can taste things again (insert gasp/shock/awe)!  I was a foodie even when I was a smoker, but I'm not sure why.  Sure, I thought things tasted good, but there are no words for the amazing flavors I experience now.  Maybe it's just that it's heirloom tomoto and peach season in California… but I really do attribute this realization to regaining taste buds previously reserved for nicotine.

My point is, if they really want you to quit, they should tell you this.  A quick search for "stop smoking ads" reveals instantly that the most common tactic is fear.  Ok, my lungs are turning black, but I can't see that… it's abstract.  And sure, maybe my skin will be wrinkly, but plastic surgery is probably on the horizon anyway… it is 2009 and there are many creative ways to fix that.

So, free idea for you anti-smoking marketers.  Take a cue from the ad below (the only really great one my search revealed).  They've heard the horror stories, seen the pictures, and they're still smoking.  As marketers, you're fighting a losing battle, and if that's the case a new tactic can't hurt.


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