Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2008«

Video Friday

June 20, 2008


Here's a good Web 2.0 video recommended by Jeremiah Owyang. I sometimes wonder if it's possible that the world will change as much in my lifetime as it did over the span of my grandparents' lifetimes. Maybe it will - it will just be a different ki...

Consumers Officially Complain For Stupid Reasons

June 18, 2008


As TechDirt points out in it's "makes-no-sense" (ha ha) department, people complain for silly reasons. Most recently, consumers asked the state of CA to intervene on their behalf against companies that claim to provide genetic mapping services ove...

The Auction Economy

June 4, 2008


Lots of buzz this week around how some things are meant to be auctioned and some aren't. eBay has finally realized that people like the "buy it now" feature more than the "wait and see" of their traditional auction model. In his take on the topic,...