Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2009«

The Echo Chamber of My Life

February 26, 2009


On the train this morning I was thinking about social media marketing. Shocking, right? These days it seems like that's all I think about. In any case, I'm often charged with advising clients about where to find their target market. Where it gets ...

On my mind: Health care policy

February 21, 2009


At work, I have a variety of clients, they do consumer tech stuff, make software, and as of this week, are entrenched in the health care market. I love my job because it gives me the opportunity to become an expert (well, sort of) on all those thi...

What happened to the American Dream?

February 11, 2009


I resent this article from the New York Times on "Plan B." (Not the "Plan B" many women in my generation know, the other one.) In this case, the author is referring to Plan B as the subset of the American Dream we all hoped to have one day. Things...

In case of surprise scuba invitation…

February 6, 2009


You know the scene. You're sitting at your desk at 5pm and your coworker comes over and asks if you want to skip out for a post-work cocktail. Um, yes please. Nowhere in this scene - ever - is there a post work scuba diving invitation (unless you'...

My Tipping Point

February 3, 2009


Switching Gears: If I had to pick something, I'd say it was the most recent issue of Newsweek that did it. I've been thinking for some time about how to make this blog more interesting, more frequent and more relevant to my life and the lives of m...