Browsing All Posts published on »August, 2007«

Don’t Call it a Phone

August 17, 2007


While I love my iPhone, there's another phone company that's also recently caught my eye: Helio. I first heard of the company through Walt Mossberg's review of the Helio Ocean (he said some great things), and came across them again when I found th...

Science Fiction?

August 10, 2007


???If you???re walking down a row in a supermarket and every package is screaming at you, it sounds like a terrifying, disgusting experience,??? said Tracy Lovatt, director for behavioral planning at BBDO North America, an advertising agency in the Omni...

The Golden Arches

August 9, 2007


This week, we've seen a lot of hype about this study from Stanford and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. What is says: That preschoolers nearly ALWAYS think food in McDonalds packaging tastes better than the same food when it's generically wrapp...

On the registry?

August 7, 2007


If I were getting married, I would absolutely put this blender on my registry: Now, I don't really need a blender - although, on second thought, there have been a few too many Margarita-less night...

More than a price war

August 2, 2007


Over the past few months, there's been a lot of talk about Blockbuster and Netflix and their ongoing battle for customers. Most recently, GigaOm posted this analysis of the price war between the companies. Now, I must admit that Netflix won my hea...