Browsing All Posts published on »July, 2009«

Diagnosed with ADD of the Internet Variety

July 30, 2009


Stop. Don't open a new tab. Read this entire post first. Right, the chances of that happening are very slim. And it's not because you don't find this blog totally captivating (actually, I'm a little worried if you do). My point is, we all have Int...

What’s in a Name?

July 23, 2009


I'm no longer a Virgin virgin. That's sounds a little X-rated, so let me explain. I recently flew on Virgin America for the first time. I'd heard great things about the airline and was pumped to find they were my cheapest cross-country flight opti...

Generation whYne?

July 2, 2009


It has come to my attention that GenXYZ might be a little whine-y. And why wouldn't we be? Sure, everyone else is stuck in this massive recession right along with us, but we're supposed to be in our prime. Instead, we're stuck with a massive amoun...