Putting your Soul into social media

Posted on April 9, 2015


SoulCycle seems to have cracked the code in so many ways. They’re getting people pumped about fitness – enough that they lay down a hefty chunk of money to get into a studio and sweat their buns off. They’re also using social media to make the spinning public feel like they have a relationship with a personal trainer rather than just a class instructor at the gym.

I love the focus on personal branding here – it’s great for SoulCycle, it’s great for the instructors and it really makes consumers feel like they’re getting personal attention worth paying for.

I don’t think, on the other hand that this is a repeatable model in every industry. SoulCycle sits in a unique corner of the market where their sexy instructors draw a huge following. I’m not sure that translates to something like independent car dealers or the local In N Out. But for other businesses where sex sells – for CrossFit fanatics and Paleo dieters, perhaps – the SoulCycle model is worth examining.

Look at these people! Who doesn’t want to sign up to sweat with them?

Posted in: Social media